There's no choir today, so i'm blogging here!
whee photos, although there's very little of them hmm...
credits to leongying or pamela for the pictures above! =DD
190407. we'll NEVER forget this date aye!
first you shall just listen to us SCREAM when the results were announced!
"choir no. 44, anglican high school.
Gold. With Honours!"
and more defeaning screams. we screamed all the way down the stairs, screamed while taking
photos, screamed and cried, screamed on the way home.
and yes. we screamed at home too
that explains why i have such a bad sorethroat now T.T
credits to godwin for the recording! i'm going to edit it so there's only our part hahaha!
and other choirs where your results are announced too,
no offence, i've not edited it yet that's why! =X
okay so i woke up in the morning to wait at the busstop;
isabel's daddy sent me to school! ^^
thankyou verymuch, if not i'd have perspired alot just to lug all those stuff up the hill!
yup so when we reached there we were quite early,
so i went to grab a sandwich with rachel. tuna sandwich! :D
choir was..not bad ^^
we had some warmups and mrkwei gave us loads of good advice that really helped!
especially in kasar and everyone sang.
he put emotions in our everyone sang, and it really did sound very nice during our morning practice!
well, he said our kasar was not bad :D
so there, morning sessions with mrkwei!
he's really good aye!
mrtan then read us some messages from our seniors;
all asking us to jiayou and calm down and all the best,
lol, superstition. but we didn't hug la ^^
then we're dismissed for changing and for a short recess break;
i went with anqi QIQ and jiaye YEYE for fishballnoodles and then went to change
ohman the scarves are so difficult to tie!
messed it up a few times before i got it right yea!
huruhr. the seniors came to watch us too;
then, mrtohcame.
he's sick so he went to the clinic to get a jab!
thanks mrtoh, we're all very touched!
especially anqi hur!
afternoon session was not as good,
maybe because we've just had lunch or something.
we went through around two times and left for vch.
sops and tenors;
bass and altos on another bus.
i sat with johannes and well, we didn't talk much since we're not allowed to T.T
anyway, we'll miss all the secfours, they're leaving us veryvery soon!
thanks so much to the secfours,
you've all been great seniors! :D
okay, sops and tenors reached vch first and we put on our makeup there!
wow, big mess, we took them long and everyone was like freaking out cause there's not much time left!
thanks yingjun for the blusher and hairspray, tianjiao for lipgloss lol!
i look super retarded in RED blusher and pink eyeshadow hurhur,
there's no mascara and eyelash curler this time LOL!
i've had problems tying up my bun, so i gave up on it in the end -.-''
sprayed my hair with hairspray until it was like,
ROCKHARD. at least it won't be as messy as normal o.O
ms sng was nice enough to not PAINT our face,
so we all trooped up to the rehearsal room and the acoustic there was really damn good!
mrtoh was calming us down and all.
we did a few quick run throughs and promptly headed to the waiting area.
pierce secondary was singing then,
and we started to get nervous! =X
liu was like grabbing his heart and all,
me and anqi were like squeezing each other's hands.
limying was getting all nervous too, so we asked each other to JIAYOU!
we then prayed for the best, and yep it did work! ^^
then, it was OURTURN.
with our hearts thumping, we entered the stage.
i spotted the seniors,
although i'm not supposed to do so hmm,
and we screwed up i think.
everyone sang was sharp although we tried our best to do the dynamics and emotions.
meplalian was soso maybe,
kasar was slightly sharp too!
mrtoh was breaking out in cold sweat,
my feet felt pretty sore =X
i was glad the 8 minutes were finally over,
and we whispered after we got down the stage;
everyone weren't glad with our performance...
mrtoh told a few of us we won't get gwh, he was sure we'd get a gold..
we were heartbroken yes. because we wanted honours badly hur...
hurhur then we stayed on for awhile to listen to around 2 choirs then meisabel got changed and went back,
only to find a few people left, the others went to get some food.
so we got very hungry and tried to go down to the cafeteria, but it was closed T.T
yup, we didnt' have anyfood until the results were announced.
lateron we gave up waiting in vch and waited outside where most of the guys were,
me and leongying were stuck on the same page of ciyushouce for like uber long so we gave up studying,
anyway thanks for the sweets!
rachel was getting bored too, so she played with my phone haha!
right, fastforward to results!
somehow most of us managed to get in i THINK,
and our hearts were thumping so much!
they first introduced the judges!
and there was mrjonathan velasco!
haha leongying remember the tagboard thing in secone! xD
drwongsusan, and some i can't remember haha!
the first few minutes were..excruciating haha.
xxx choir...bronze.
xxx choir...bronze.
xxx choir...bronze.
xxx choir...silver (abit of screams)
and so on...
choir 41! silver! (claps)
choir 42! silver! (somebody said omg!)
choir 43! bronze! (claps!)
choir 44! anglican high school choir!
omg the SCREAMS!
we all JUMPED out from our seats!
we burst into tears!
we hugged each other!
the scenario was just crazy!
i immediately sms-ed some people,
and i was just, OVERJOYED!
going like. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!
isabel and i hugged and hugged,
rachel screamed outside,
many girls cried,
mrtan was like "AM I DREAMING? OMG!"
the seniors were too touched and happy!
well we didn't really care about the other choirs then,
cause we really were too happy!
fastforward to..
we came out of the concerthall,
mrtan (or captain sports) SCREAMED!
ran into a pillar deliberately with his arms outstretched!
mrtan is just so CUTE!
enough with the screamings, so we went to take photos where sirstamfordraffle's butt was facing.
group photos with
"RUBBISH!" (only ahs students will know)
and haha, so many cameras! that was a super fun session aye!
we took individual photos!
stayed there for so long!
mrtoh debriefed us,
thankyoumrtoh! :D
he said we deserved it ^^
hur yup then we went home, still shouting as we ran across the bridge! xD
okay, here's the photos!
MRTOH, me and rachel! :DD
melanie and i! ^^
johannes and i! =DD
with godwin's weird face there -.-''
eeks i look weird here too!
emma and jiaye after morning practice! :D
yeye the universal sucker! xDD
yearight man!
we walked to rafflescitymrt and had COKE!
walked home with mydear anqi yups, and home.
man, was i exhausted!
came online the first thing i came home,
bathed and then collasped.
yes people, i didn't study for my chinese test.
first time in my 14yrs and 10 months of living!
hurhur! and here's some other random photos!
christina and emma!
without specs, HAHAHAH! and i've got eyebags o.O
another picture, since i seldom take photos without specs hahaha.
and oh, i was trying to force my eyes as big as possible -.-''
tell me why on earth are my eyes so small hahaha, this is the biggest it can get!
another forcing eye open picture with yingzhi! :DDD
we both look okay i think, (i'm not asking for your personal opinions xD)
except the fact that i look damn evil cause i was raising my eyebrows,
and that yingzhi's listening to the mp3 haha,
and there's so many people sleeping behind! hahah
and dearest PIPI!
this is for you!
bugis junction SAKURA ICECREAM!
lets go eat during june hols aye! ^^
we're doing titration and i decided to add more S1 to it hahaha!
thus it turned purple. me and terie added other chemicals too,
so the labtechnician scolded us. lol...
right i'm bored of posting wheee,
i'll post more when i kope them from leongying or other people hahaha!
rightevil laughter HAHAHAHAHA
bye i'm outta here! i'll be back soon. very soon!
btw, this post is 1484 words long o.O
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